Recently it has come to my attention that there are blogging awards doing the rounds. I know, I know. Pipe down at the back there. What do you mean I RIPPED THIS POST OFF EVERY OTHER BLOGGER EVER? I have my own opinions, you know. And here they are. These ladies (and they are all…
Tag: blogging
What are my Goals?
Today I had to have the phrase “goals” explained to me. In case you were wondering, apparently there are now a whole host of expressions which include this word, which have absolutely nothing to do with football. I put a picture of Wembley Stadium on this post anyway. Good ol’ Wembers. A tenuous link to…
So, you want to be a writer?
I have become obsessed with my blog stats. And they are not improving. At the end of last year-New Year’s Eve, to be precise-I was Mumsnet’s blog of the day. That’s it, I thought, I’m on the up now. EVERYONE will know my work and I will be universally feted. I will be a single…
The Blogging Wars
It’s SLRs at dawn, the Macbooks are drawn. The cutesy blogging planners are sharpened. The oversized drinking jars of paleo courgettini kale smoothies are gearing up for the battle to end all battles, it’s….. The Blogging Wars: Positive Bloggers vs. Keeping it Real It seems that parenting bloggers fall into one of two camps: those…
Ten Reasons Why I Might Be a Failed Blogger
So at the weekend I went to Mumsnet Blogfest. I am planning to write about this at some point, but for now, let’s just say I am having a slight problem with the photography. This is just one reason why I am failing at blogging (and life, but I wrote about that here). No, I am…
How I Became a Real Blogger
So this weekend I attended my very first blogging conference. I know! Like I was a real blogger and general all-round social media whizz kid, rather than a hopeless numpty who just spent 20 minutes of valuable Piglet sleepytime browsing the Internets searching for “ways to add social media buttons to WordPress blog header,” not…
Note to self: Stop reading parenting blogs (that aren’t this one, obvs.)
What is it about parenting that makes everyone go all Judgey McJudge? Well, not everyone, but more specifically, me. No, in fact, everyone. Everyone does this. OK I admit I was quite judgemental beforehand, in a “well that outfit isn’t very suitable for work now, is it?” kind of way, but with motherhood this tendency seems to have…