“There’s no such thing as bad weather. Only bad clothing.”

One of my friends is married to a man who loves the outdoors.  I’m not sure if he was the first to come up with this statement, but it was via him (and her) that I first heard it. Personally, my own love of the outdoors was a slow burner. My parents are not what…

When I Had Mummy Friends

This weekend Piglet and I went to the park. Basic, I know.  Everyone goes to the park.  I am basic.  Don’t hate me. The park is both fascinating and terrifying in equal measure.  Mainly terrifying.  How much helicopter parenting is acceptable in the face of the overwhelming fear that one’s child will be attacked by…


Piglet is now showing some interest in other children and babies. Not, however, as much interest as other children are showing in him. Today for example, we were on a train to Bath.  This is the same train, I might add, that Piglet demanded to be walked up and down repeatedly last week, prompting me…