Almost 23 weeks and apparently still irresistible to malingerers outside Wembley Park tube

The hypnobirthing craze continues. I have just purchased a set of five hypnobirthing classes.  They are in Hounslow, which is not the best location, but pretty much all the classes I could find were based in the so-called “Nappy Valley” area of South West London which stretches roughly from Herne Hill to somewhere just short…

Hypnobirthing a Giant Baby

I have just officially become a New Age Hippy Earth Mother Type. Well, perhaps not quite. I bought two books on hypnobirthing today, then decided I was going to get properly into it and try all the suggested “exercises,” unlike with the normal self-help, self-improvement tomes which I just read, nod head occasionally whilst maintaining…

Gender Stereotyping for the Uninitiated: i.e. Babies

Oops.  Ordered a sandwich with goat’s cheese in it today only to remember that goat’s cheese is not allowed in pregnancy. Admitting to previous incidents of this nature has resulted in open-mouthed abject horror from other pregnant friends and/or mothers. I am already a terrible mother. To make up for it, I decided to buy…

Oh God. It’s started already. I’ve just been caught boasting on Facebook

Phew. All appears to be well with Little ‘Un, at least according to the 20 week scan. Of course, now that I’m home I’m fretting again due to backache and lack of movement and am thinking maybe the scan machine killed it with hitherto undiscovered toxic rays. Not it.  He. Yes, it’s a boy apparently….

Eagerly anticipating the birth of the Messiah

20 week scan tomorrow. Obviously this is terrifying, and I will not go into the list of horrific ailments that could be detected at this point, all of which I have googled multiple times. Anyway, my bump is continuing to grow at a somewhat alarming rate, and now I even have backache (hopefully this is…