Newsflash-Mother has time to paint own toenails!

Piglet is asleep and I have just managed to snatch a few moments to afford myself the liberty of painting my toenails. I now look, with my lurid red toenails, like a woman who never wears anything but trousers and a woolly hiking fleece, who has suddenly put on a dress for the first time…

Catching a Train with a Baby

It seems that it is becoming increasingly impossible to write this blog.  Piglet is either awake, in which case he is trying to grab the laptop and/or one of the many other things he is Not Allowed to Touch (TV remote, plug socket, anything that isn’t one of his toys or my collection of books…

These are my peeps

Sleep. If I went to bed Right Now, I might get the full eight hours, time spent waking up to soothe a fretful Piglet aside. But I am not going to go to sleep right now, because I am writing this.  And the glow of the computer screen is going to adjust my hormone levels,…