Having it all? Or just being a bit rubbish at it all?

Today, dear readers, I am going to talk about Having It All. Because that is a topic that doesn’t get much airtime, oh no, no one writes about the Blessed Womanly Curse of Having It All. For me, Having It All means working full time, parenting and then trying to blog in the evenings after…

How I Ended Up as a Single Mother

It seems that every story I read about a single mother starts with some terrible heartache.  An abusive relationship, a man who wasn’t all he seemed, a period of domestic bliss followed some time later by a bitter divorce. Well, I’m not here to tell you another one of those stories.  My story of single…

Surviving Valentine’s Day as a Single Parent

It’s that time of year again. No, not the first day of the summer holidays.  Not my birthday. Not even my birthday prior to 2010, when I decided we were going to start working backwards from now on. It’s BLOODY VALENTINE’S DAY. You know the drill.  In the red corner (red is for hearts, innit)…

OUTRAGE as Katie Price BLASTED for making unremarkable parenting choice!

There was a time when I would have read anything about Katie Price and lapped it up with a sort of fiendish delight, before launching into a tirade about what a terrible human being she is and how she has set the cause of feminism back two hundred years to the pre-Wollstonecraft days when, you…

My Top Five Toys, by Piglet

5. Fire engines. There was this one time that Mummy took me into a charity shop.  I think she was hoping that she would find vintage clothes in there.  Mummy likes vintage clothes, even though they are old and smelly.  Personally I prefer not to wear clothes at all, but for some reason Mummy seems…

Having a Baby: How I Have Changed

There are many ways that having a baby changes you. For example, it makes you look like a bag lady.  This was an actual term that one of my colleagues used, as I wandered into work one chilly morning, bundled up in my Mum Parka and my Mum Trainers.  The old me would not have done…

Cake: A Review

I have heard it said many times that the Queen Mother’s nickname in her heyday was Cake. And I love Cake.  I once bumped into her, in fact, before she died, on one of the most significant days of my life. I had just finished my university finals and was sat there, wearing my uniform…

The Blogging Wars

It’s SLRs at dawn, the Macbooks are drawn.  The cutesy blogging planners are sharpened.  The oversized drinking jars of paleo courgettini kale smoothies are gearing up for the battle to end all battles, it’s….. The Blogging Wars: Positive Bloggers vs. Keeping it Real It seems that parenting bloggers fall into one of two camps: those…

“That’s Not A Baby’s Name.”

What’s in a name? That is the question that every expectant parent inevitably asks themselves. I recently received a blog comment from someone who was clearly trying to troll me by implying I was a terrible mother for calling my child Piglet.  Because clearly Piglet is his actual name.  Yes sheeple, I wanted something unique…something…

Thank God, they put the right one in

Most people’s birth stories seem to fall into one of the following categories: 1.) URRGGHH that was HORRIBLE. 2.) UURRGGHH that was HORRIBLE.  There was blood everywhere.  And stitches.*  And it REALLY HURT. 3.) It was amazing.  I was in a birthing pool.  I had the intervention-free, drugless labour I always wanted.  There was whalesong….