So at the weekend I went to Mumsnet Blogfest. I am planning to write about this at some point, but for now, let’s just say I am having a slight problem with the photography. This is just one reason why I am failing at blogging (and life, but I wrote about that here). No, I am…
Author: Min
As regular readers of this blog will attest, Piglet is a man of few words. The words are: “BBBBBBB-AAAALLL.” This means “ball,” and is proclaimed whenever a ball comes into view. Even a rugby ball, which I maintain is proof of Piglet’s budding intellectualism, as rugby balls aren’t even real balls. They aren’t even circular,…
Am I Failing at Life?
As I write this, I am sat in my brother’s old bedroom, which I now share with Piglet, in my mother’s house. My brother’s snowboard is still in the corner and there is a promotional flyer on the wall for a club in Ibiza which I suspect he has never been to. I am 35…
How about…let’s teach men not to rape, OK?
So today I fell victim to the curse of public transport known as the Angry Bus Driver. I don’t know what it is about bus drivers. I’ve never been one, so I perhaps they just have an incredibly stressful job (who doesn’t?) and don’t get paid enough (who does?) but many of them seem to…
Can I interest anyone in a flat? Anyone?
Well the plan to “spend some quality time with Piglet” over half term appears to have fallen flat. Piglet is currently out with Granny, socialising with her friends as usual, while I do boring things like try to sell my flat and shell out dizzying sums of money for the privilege. In fact, much of…
I Am Miranda, and My Mother is Magda
I know, I know, I haven’t written on here in like, TEN DAYS, and I am, like, RUBS at this blogging malarkey, but the thing is, nothing has happened. Well, OK, work has happened, and Piglet catching conjunctivitis has happened. And Piglet spreading his conjunctivitis to Granny, so that Granny wakes up every morning with…
Why we should never go to cafes
1.) Because my mother is always three steps away from swooping in and rescuing the baby from my neglectful folly in trying to feed them a strawberry yo-yo for lunch. 2.) Because the words “shhh, we’re in John Lewis. People come here for a bit of civilisation and class,” mean nothing to a 14…
Why my mother is amazing
If I ever won an Oscar (which I will do, one day, even though I have shown zero interest in acting since the age of thirteen, when I was cast in a production of Oliver Twist and forced to sing a brief but excruciating solo, consisting purely of the words “ripe, strawberries ripe” and my…
Why Being a Single Parent is Actually Fine
I am fine. I am totally, totally fine. Now, I realise that by saying that I sound like I am actually not fine, and am merely trying to convince myself of it, and that I am probably sitting in a rapidly cooling bath right now with mascara streaming down my face, hugging my knees and cradling…