Not quite what I envisioned when I set out my Ultimate Weaning Strategy. I thought I had it all figured out. I had all the books, the recipes, all the baby led weaning tips. And almost a year on from Piglet’s “first tastes” (which were obviously the components of a full meal with all food…
Author: Min
Thomas and his Friends, the Patriarchy
Today Piglet and I went to the library. The reason for this was that I had a book on helping child language development which was due back (having been barely touched. I have resigned myself to the fact that Piglet’s vocabulary is likely to consist of no more than “ball” and “A-DA” for some time…
Thank God, they put the right one in
Most people’s birth stories seem to fall into one of the following categories: 1.) URRGGHH that was HORRIBLE. 2.) UURRGGHH that was HORRIBLE. There was blood everywhere. And stitches.* And it REALLY HURT. 3.) It was amazing. I was in a birthing pool. I had the intervention-free, drugless labour I always wanted. There was whalesong….
Single and Terrified to Mingle
As you may have guessed from my last post, I am starting to feel old. No matter how long I spend in front of the mirror pulling them out, the grey hairs continue to multiply. No matter how long I spend pouting into the phone when taking a selfie (usually a matter of nanoseconds. I…
Now I Am Old
So, as Carrie Bradshaw would say, I got to thinking…..that now I am old I think a little differently to before. In fact, perhaps mentioning Carrie Bradshaw at all makes me old, since it is now eleven years since Sex and the City ended. So here goes….. Now I am old………. 1.) I am flattered,…
Today’s post, coming to you from the “Land of No Fathers.”
I think I should just cut my losses and rename this blog “My Life on Public Transport.” After all, it seems like that’s all I have to write about. This week, I have been lucky enough to be helped by no less than two bus drivers to lift a folded buggy into the luggage rack…
Routine for a 16 month old
HA HA HA HA HA. You didn’t think I actually HAD a routine, did you? This weekend, my mother went away. “Are you sure you’re going to be all right?” she has now taken to asking me, even when she is only popping out to the cinema for a well deserved few hours to herself….
Pushchairs vs wheelchairs: let the battle commence
It wasn’t so long ago that I read a news story about a disabled man who took a bus company to court after a passenger with a pushchair refused to move out of a designated disabled space on the bus. What a disgrace! I can recall thinking. I would NEVER be so impudent as to claim…
The Insane Toddler Interest in Large Vehicles: Part 1
Today, finally, following two busy Saturdays spent in London, what seems like endless weeks of work and almost a week of illness (mine. I am still praying that Piglet doesn’t receive the gift of my pestilence) I finally spent some time with Piglet. Mummy and Piglet time. So, what did we do with this precious…
Is it Christmas yet?
Typical, my first day with Piglet in a week and I am ill. I think it’s time to Slow. Right. Down. The past two weeks have been manic. I get up each morning at 6, place Piglet in Granny’s bed, and then go off to work each day until nearly 7pm. Then last week I…