As a teacher, I don’t often mention my job on this blog as I prefer to keep that part of my life private and professional; however, one thing I will say is that my students are an inspiration. Every time I fear for the future of humanity (which is basically every day), I think of…
Tag: Feminism
OUTRAGE as Katie Price BLASTED for making unremarkable parenting choice!
There was a time when I would have read anything about Katie Price and lapped it up with a sort of fiendish delight, before launching into a tirade about what a terrible human being she is and how she has set the cause of feminism back two hundred years to the pre-Wollstonecraft days when, you…
Thomas and his Friends, the Patriarchy
Today Piglet and I went to the library. The reason for this was that I had a book on helping child language development which was due back (having been barely touched. I have resigned myself to the fact that Piglet’s vocabulary is likely to consist of no more than “ball” and “A-DA” for some time…
Thank God, they put the right one in
Most people’s birth stories seem to fall into one of the following categories: 1.) URRGGHH that was HORRIBLE. 2.) UURRGGHH that was HORRIBLE. There was blood everywhere. And stitches.* And it REALLY HURT. 3.) It was amazing. I was in a birthing pool. I had the intervention-free, drugless labour I always wanted. There was whalesong….
Today’s post, coming to you from the “Land of No Fathers.”
I think I should just cut my losses and rename this blog “My Life on Public Transport.” After all, it seems like that’s all I have to write about. This week, I have been lucky enough to be helped by no less than two bus drivers to lift a folded buggy into the luggage rack…
Ten Reasons Why I Might Be a Failed Blogger
So at the weekend I went to Mumsnet Blogfest. I am planning to write about this at some point, but for now, let’s just say I am having a slight problem with the photography. This is just one reason why I am failing at blogging (and life, but I wrote about that here). No, I am…
How about…let’s teach men not to rape, OK?
So today I fell victim to the curse of public transport known as the Angry Bus Driver. I don’t know what it is about bus drivers. I’ve never been one, so I perhaps they just have an incredibly stressful job (who doesn’t?) and don’t get paid enough (who does?) but many of them seem to…
The Wrongness of Most Nursery Rhymes
One of the things that has surprised me most since I became a parent is that nursery rhymes still exist. Not only exist, but they are EVERYWHERE. And kids actually LIKE THEM. When I myself was a wee nipper I had a book of nursery rhymes, which disturbingly included one about a child being whipped…
Uproar at Gender Segregation Taking Place on UK High Street
Just come back from a visit to the health visitor where, in typical fashion, Piglet did an enormous wee on the baby weighing scales and I was told off for not taking vitamin supplements, despite the fact that (as I protested to the health visitor) they have been repeatedly shown to be useless. Better just…