Treatment Over. Complete with Simulated Walk of Shame for Authenticity

So the IUI is over, and I am going crazy all over these internets. The current fear is that the IUI was done too soon, given that it took place less than 24 hours after I had taken the so-called “trigger” shot (I confess I had absolutely no idea how this would work, and lay…

In the words of the great Eminem, I’m Back I’m on the Rack and Ovulating

Loving the drama. It is expensive though. Went for a scan at the clinic today-first one since I started taking the medication a week ago.  It turns out that I have indeed over-responded, and the drugs have miraculously resulted in four follicles (weird, to think that something I just stuck in my stomach each night…

“Yes, I am familiar with Epipens.”

And so it begins. Everything got off to a good start, i.e. despite everything seeming so easy in the clinic with the nurse explaining to me how to use the Gonal F pen and how she made it all look so simple, just like taking a lid off a felt tip pen and writing with…

Walking Around London Carrying a Phone

Day 1 of my period. I know, that’s officially Too Much Information, but it’s only going to get worse, I can assure you. Tried to phone the clinic today as they said to call on the first day of my period, but of course my period would be awkward and start on a Saturday, when…