Many Babies Look Like Piglet: Is This More Than Just Coincidence?

NEWSFLASH!  NEWSFLASH! Piglet has twenty-one brothers and sisters. Or something like that. Obvs. this is not my doing.  I barely have Piglet, let alone twenty-one other hidden children squirrelled away somewhere. The reason I know this is because I registered Piglet’s birth with the sperm bank, and although they have so far not managed to…

Horrible Itchy Disease

Woman in the last days of pregnancy is not a pretty sight. I, for example, have just thrown up the sole thing I have eaten today-a fried egg sandwich-and after three hours sleep it’s all I can do to move off the sofa in order to search the cupboards for stray crisps.  That is, if…

Oh God. It’s started already. I’ve just been caught boasting on Facebook

Phew. All appears to be well with Little ‘Un, at least according to the 20 week scan. Of course, now that I’m home I’m fretting again due to backache and lack of movement and am thinking maybe the scan machine killed it with hitherto undiscovered toxic rays. Not it.  He. Yes, it’s a boy apparently….

Things I Will Not Be Putting on Facebook

Things I will not do when the baby is born (assuming it makes it that far.  FINGERS CROSSED.  There are a lot of horror stories on which haunt my every waking moment.  And according to some statistics I read yesterday, which were from the fertility clinic not the Interwebs and therefore probably more trustworthy,…