Parody of a Mummy Blogger

Today is my blog birthday. Yes peeps, today my blog is a whole two weeks old! I KNOW.  I can’t believe it either.  TWO WEEKS! In celebration of this momentous event, the lovely people at have asked me to write a very special Two Things I Have Learned in Two Weeks.  I am, like,…

The End of Reason?

I have glimpsed the future, and it is terrifying.  In America, President Trump rules with a rubber fist, changing his mind every five minutes to suit whoever he thinks the most influential section of the electorate are; a longer, higher, version of the Berlin wall stands across the Mexican border and anyone who attempts to…

Introducing the world’s first Gu Chocolate Pot Baby

Well, the insemination process is complete. And if I get pregnant, I will be writing to the Daily Mail and proclaiming it a “miracle baby.” I’m sure the Daily Mail has lots to say about people importing sperm from abroad off the internet and using it to self-impregnate.  Hell, they could even illustrate their disgust…

“You will never get married. You are CURSED!”

I distinctly remember that being the statement made to Charlotte in Sex and the City after she went downtown to a dubious fortune teller with limited English who then promised that for a hundred dollars she could remove the curse. I had something similar happen to me today. In the course of my Wembley Curry…