Horrible Itchy Disease

Woman in the last days of pregnancy is not a pretty sight. I, for example, have just thrown up the sole thing I have eaten today-a fried egg sandwich-and after three hours sleep it’s all I can do to move off the sofa in order to search the cupboards for stray crisps.  That is, if…


Baby still not here and predictably I am going crazy checking the Internets every five minutes for flimsy “reassurance” (which is not very reassuring when sites about “stillbirth” come up). My mother is going frantic and worrying, and people are ringing up every five minutes asking if I’ve had the baby yet.  Meanwhile every time…

Baby seems to be keeping me waiting…

No, baby has still not arrived, and I am officially “overdue.” Cue prophetic warblings from my mother about how I am going to take after her and be ten days late, and mass hysteria on Netmums as I trawl through other people’s appallingly written posts about how they have tried everything and baby still hasn’t…