Why I Don’t Love My Post-Baby Body

When I was pregnant, I paid little heed to my changing shape. As someone who had always been slim, I embraced my growing bump as one would an interesting novelty item.  Something to be enjoyed for its newness and difference, but which would soon be discarded.  As someone who had always been tiny, I loved…

Surrendered Mother

Piglet is sleeping blissfully in his bouncy chair following his 16 week jabs. Blissful sleeps seem to be increasingly rare these days.  Most sleeps are preceded by hours of fretfulness where he screams for ages until Mummy finds the exact position which he has chosen to fall asleep in that day, and he finally conks…

Horrible Itchy Disease

Woman in the last days of pregnancy is not a pretty sight. I, for example, have just thrown up the sole thing I have eaten today-a fried egg sandwich-and after three hours sleep it’s all I can do to move off the sofa in order to search the cupboards for stray crisps.  That is, if…

Not a very yummy mummy….

Well I don’t mean to sound ungrateful but I have to admit I am feeling less than enamoured with my physical appearance at the moment. Today I actually discovered that I have fat feet. Fat feet!  Perish the thought!  Cue visions of obese people squeezing their bloated plates of meat into too-tight ballet pumps, flesh…