The Middle Way

And so another trip to the Baby Weighing Clinic draws to a close. A trip in which I received a literal pat on the back from the health visitor for maintaining Piglet’s centile, no less. And then a metaphorical slap on the wrist for admitting that I sometimes (OK, maybe every day) feed him Organix…

Uproar at Gender Segregation Taking Place on UK High Street

Just come back from a visit to the health visitor where, in typical fashion, Piglet did an enormous wee on the baby weighing scales and I was told off for not taking vitamin supplements, despite the fact that (as I protested to the health visitor) they have been repeatedly shown to be useless.  Better just…


It is 9pm and Piglet is asleep in his bouncy chair. I am pretty sure that this is VERY BAD, as apparently babies are not supposed to sleep in their bouncy chairs.  Especially without the little seat belt attached to strap them in; the little seatbelt that Piglet has recently discovered and now regularly tries…