Horrible Itchy Disease

Woman in the last days of pregnancy is not a pretty sight. I, for example, have just thrown up the sole thing I have eaten today-a fried egg sandwich-and after three hours sleep it’s all I can do to move off the sofa in order to search the cupboards for stray crisps.  That is, if…

Baby Still Not Here. I Feel Sick. Probably Because it’s my Birthday

Summary of my day so far:  Got up, realised it was my birthday, threw up, returned to bed. That pretty much says it all.  Thirty-four just has such a great ring to it. Just exactly what last night’s mushroom omelette and chips were still doing in my system ten hours after they were eaten is…

Not a very yummy mummy….

Well I don’t mean to sound ungrateful but I have to admit I am feeling less than enamoured with my physical appearance at the moment. Today I actually discovered that I have fat feet. Fat feet!  Perish the thought!  Cue visions of obese people squeezing their bloated plates of meat into too-tight ballet pumps, flesh…

Bloated Whale

Urgh.  Lounging on the sofa like a bloated whale.  And every now and again my belly goes all hard and pointy, and I am told that this may be a Braxton Hicks contraction.  I had thought it was just the baby moving around.  Still, hopefully this means that by the time I finally go into…

It’s official, there are EVEN MORE things to worry about after birth.

Had an appointment with the obstetrician today. This was, of course, brilliant, as I got to leave work early to go to the hospital and then got home early enough to watch Escape to the Country.However, despite the fact that my actual appointment with the obstetrician lasted, as I had predicted, five minutes, and was…

Cruel and Unusual Symptoms of Pregnancy

I’m back!  Already!  After just one day! Obviously this means that one of my hundreds of New Year’s Resolutions is to write more often. The other main one is to clean the flat but I still haven’t done that. I’m using morning sickness as an excuse, especially since I threw up three times this morning…