Is Driving An Essential Requirement for the Middle Class Parent?

Being a parent very often feels like being on trial.  One of those televised American trials where the defendant appears, hair unwashed, wearing a drab ill-fitting suit, to find the eyes of the media are upon them, probably having given them some hideous nickname, like “Foxy Knoxy” or something a lot less flattering.  I sometimes…


As regular readers of this blog will attest, Piglet is a man of few words. The words are: “BBBBBBB-AAAALLL.”  This means “ball,” and is proclaimed whenever a ball comes into view.  Even a rugby ball, which I maintain is proof of Piglet’s budding intellectualism, as rugby balls aren’t even real balls.  They aren’t even circular,…

What is this nap time of which you speak?

I haven’t written on here recently as I have been spending most of my life wandering around Wembley in a dead-eyed haze, pushing a pram containing a wide-eyed and alert Piglet, who sits staring at me blankly as I plead with him to take a nap. He does actually need a nap.  He has all…

Piglet Goes to Church

The trouble with Christmas is that every Tom, Dick and Harry that you may or may not be related to wants to spread the festive cheer by having their say about your parenting skills. Take yesterday, for example.  Mother and I had been out with Piglet, running errands, and on the way home passed the…

Subsistence Parenting

Yes I admit it.  Guilty as charged. Yes I did put the baby in the car seat to sleep while I had my lunch.  And we weren’t in a car.  And (voice drops to a barely audible whisper) I didn’t even fasten the straps. Surely God will strike me down with a lightning bolt.  Or…

Baby Still Not Here. I Feel Sick. Probably Because it’s my Birthday

Summary of my day so far:  Got up, realised it was my birthday, threw up, returned to bed. That pretty much says it all.  Thirty-four just has such a great ring to it. Just exactly what last night’s mushroom omelette and chips were still doing in my system ten hours after they were eaten is…

Missing Work Already….

I’m writing this on my mother’s home computer. This means two things: 1.) I may be discovered and 2.) I’m not sure if that is good or bad. I mean, it’s not like anyone reads this blog due to the extreme veil of secrecy surrounding it. Oh well.  Today is my first official day of…

The Perils of Buying Baby Stuff

The shopping is getting serious. AARRGH. I never thought there would be a type of shopping I failed to enjoy on any level.  And then I came across Baby Shopping. To be honest, the pram and pushchair aspect of it is quite enjoyable (as long as you don’t look too closely at the prices) and…