Ode to a Faded Bugaboo

And just like that, Piglet is practically an adult. Well OK not quite, but put it this way.  I NO LONGER HAVE A PUSHCHAIR. Ever since the cold day in January 2017 when we first moved into our new abode, the trusty Bugaboo has had its place in the porch, and now the porch stands…

These are my peeps part 2: Are these really my peeps?

Part of the joy of moving house is, of course, getting to know the new neighbours, and so today, I took myself to the local cafe (not the one where Piglet previously disgraced himself by kicking a table over.  We’re lying low from that one for a while) in an attempt to do just that….

Haters Gonna Hate

Ladies and gentlemen, I have been well and truly JUDGED. And I say to thee, Ye Olde Judgey McJudgeys of Wembley, if you are thinking that someone has made a terrible parenting faux pas, unless it is quite clear that the parenting in question constitutes actual child abuse, please keep your thoughts to yourself. Yesterday…

More Hair-Raising Adventures on the London Underground

Travelling anywhere with a baby has begun to resemble a particularly farcical episode of Miranda. Today, for example, Piglet and I (plus my mother) travelled from Bristol to London on the train (Piglet’s first trip on the “big train.”  He was fairly non-plussed, despite my mother’s running commentary on the journey with all vehicles played…

Why Middle Aged Women Should Rule the World

For the last two days I have managed to get Piglet to bed at *around* the 9pm mark.  This is an immeasurable improvement on midnight, which was his previous bedtime.  It may in fact now be the case that Piglet will grow into a creature of reasonable nocturnal habits, and will not be staying up…

Missing Work Already….

I’m writing this on my mother’s home computer. This means two things: 1.) I may be discovered and 2.) I’m not sure if that is good or bad. I mean, it’s not like anyone reads this blog due to the extreme veil of secrecy surrounding it. Oh well.  Today is my first official day of…

Suddenly inhabiting weird parallel universe consisting entirely of Bugaboo Bees

Well the World Cup has now started and I missed my first England World Cup game since about 1982 simply because I was too tired to stay up and watch it.  Now watching France vs Honduras and although it’s only 9pm and I had a nap earlier I am already yawning profusely. Ooh France have…

The Perils of Buying Baby Stuff

The shopping is getting serious. AARRGH. I never thought there would be a type of shopping I failed to enjoy on any level.  And then I came across Baby Shopping. To be honest, the pram and pushchair aspect of it is quite enjoyable (as long as you don’t look too closely at the prices) and…