Yes I have a new website. That is not the most exciting thing to have happened today, however, as today was also the day that I bought my first pair of dungarees. Well, the first that were for me as opposed to Piglet. At least since the brief flourishing of a random children’s clothes shop…
Author: Min
I am a moustachioed, hessian-wearing librarian, and proud of it
My response to this. Let’s consider another example of what he might have said, to see how ridiculous this is.“I don’t know what it is with all these mothers these days, feeding their children bananas in public. Don’t they understand that I-and probably some other fellas for that matter-don’t like to look at bananas?…
O Sleep How You Taunt Me
Piglet went to sleep at 7.15pm today. ***KLAXON*** I am braced for a rough night when he inevitably wakes up in an hour or so, having regarded his current period of sleep as nothing but a later-than-normal nap, and sits bolt upright in bed, before launching himself at me head first and emitting a high…
Piglet Breaks His Silence; Confirms He Is Dog-Lover
Piglet said his first word today. So, was it “Mumma”? No it was not. Let’s forget the possibility of it being “Dadda,” as he has been repeating that sound for months without, clearly, the slightest clue as to what it may refer in some circles, since he has never heard me utter such a sound….
Dangerous Times
Piglet is now a year old, and therefore almost a toddler. I say almost, as he has not yet mastered the art of walking, and needs to be escorted around by a helpful adult, such as me or (more often) Granny, holding his hand at all times. It’s just as well that he is always…
These are my peeps part 2: Are these really my peeps?
Part of the joy of moving house is, of course, getting to know the new neighbours, and so today, I took myself to the local cafe (not the one where Piglet previously disgraced himself by kicking a table over. We’re lying low from that one for a while) in an attempt to do just that….
Piglet vs the World
Ladies and gentlemen, I no longer live in Wembers. Well, it’s not official. I haven’t even notified the bank I’ve changed addresses yet, let alone actually sold the flat. However, Piglet and I are currently residing with my mother and are now the occupants of a room I previously shared with my brother in 1985….
Partying it Up In Wembers
I will miss Wembley. Where else, with the possible exception of One Direction’s house (do they all live in the same house? I sort of imagine they do, except the one who left, obvs.) can you walk out of your flat, take the baby for a walk and find yourself in the middle of a…
Piglet Vs. Literature: Part 2
Piglet seems to have developed a rather disturbing new habit. Several times this week I have caught him banging his head-apparently deliberately-on his cot or my bed. Upon consulting Dr Google about this distressing new hobby I have learned the following: Piglet has above average intelligence Head banging is totally normal Piglet must be autistic…
Newsflash-Mother has time to paint own toenails!
Piglet is asleep and I have just managed to snatch a few moments to afford myself the liberty of painting my toenails. I now look, with my lurid red toenails, like a woman who never wears anything but trousers and a woolly hiking fleece, who has suddenly put on a dress for the first time…